Wednesday, March 3, 2010


On the beach Lonnesse saw two big scary eyes that were dark red.Two paws that had razor sharp claws. Lonnesse looked at the sea and saw the shadow of the moon waving on the water. Lonnesse looked back at the monster. It was close she saw sharp teeth and she looked behind her and saw more monsters with super sharp claws and blue and yellow eyes. Then they said came here Lonnesse. My knees stared to shack. Lonnese said help help. Then her family came to help throw them into the Wave water,but there was one more. The biggest, strongest and we tried and tried. He was hard to beat, so Lonnesse called her aunt and uncle and we bet the monster. Lonnesse suddenly found herself lying on the beach on he purple beach towel looking at the seagulls flying across the sky. !!!


Neil Hirini said...

It was lucky Lonnesse had such a big family to help her.

Mr Hirini

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