Wednesday, February 24, 2010


One night I was putting the slimy and stinky wheelybin out. My worst enemy the night wolf silently approached me by blending in with the shadows. I ran back down the driveway, the wolf followed behind. The wolf was starving for Justin pea soup. I tried to open the locked door, the wolf came closer and closer until I was cornered. There was no way out. Suddenly the little wolf came out from behind, the little wolf nipped my pocket because I had meat in there so I gave them it and the wolf licked me. I woke up and realised I had been dreaming. I opened the curtains and looked outside, there I saw to sets of wolf-like footprints.


Neil Hirini said...

I'm going to think twice about putting my wheelibins out at night because of this story. Very scary.

From Mr Hirini

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