Friday, August 13, 2010

Miss McKenzies birthday!

On the 13th of August 2010 we celebrated Miss McKenzie birthday. Graces mum brought in the biggest cake we had ever seen. Oh and don't forget that it was chocolate cake with chocolate icing and lollies. Grace, Katelyn and Laike have made a big card and a hat for Miss McKenzie. In the card we got every one to sign it by the rainbow. On the hat there is a smiley face with glitter all over it and the card has a great big sparkly balloon on the front. The balloon says 'Happy birthday Miss McKenzie'. Inside the card it says ' To Miss McKenzie you are the best teacher in the world and I hope you have a wonderful birthday. lots of love from'. (All the children's names on the other page).
Most of the childen have made little cards!


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