Wednesday, June 30, 2010


On a cold raining day, a little boy saw a tree so he put his rain coat on and some gum boots on. He went outside to climb it he got stuck in a branch it was going to snap crack it went.


When I first saw Alice I was shy and she was shy to.When Alice and I got used to each other and we became special friends we always played together everyday even if it was a splish splosh day , shining days and it was fun.


When I first came to Poroutawhao School I meet lonnesse. We went on the big kids playground and I was a bit shy so was lonnesse. Lonnesse and I started talking to each other.Then we be came best friends on the very first day.Lonnesse had very long Orange hair.I had blond hair.


Splashes,splishes,sploshes went the rain on the class room roof. When the stops it dranes into the gutter and rushes and fushes to the sea. It climbs into a cloud and lies back on a soft , squishy cushion. As it lay down on the soft and squishy cushion it fell through a hole in the cloud.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tegan and Rebeccar


First I did a title pag. We decorated it. Then we did a graph after that we did the method and the requirements. Then we put it on the blog.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mya and Lonnesse

In our graph Joshua got the most catches out of everybody. Alice got the least number of catches. Joshua got most and Mya was the 2nd highest. Rebecca.w was the third highest in the graph. Lonnesse was the 2nd lowest. Justin was the third lowest.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Joshua,Dajana and Rebecca.

Tyler got the most out of everyone he got 60 seconds. Jack got the lowest score of 10. The top 4 was Tyler, Leanes, Hugh and I. The procedure was: get lots of people, test them, write down their scores, make a graph on the computer and do this.

Patrick and Laike

Evaluation: John got 7 the least out of everybody.

Evaluation: Roman did 33 push ups the most out of everybody.

Evaluation: Tiana and Hannah both did 27.

Evaluation: 5 people got 20.

John and Jack

Evaluation: De vyne got the most skips Tiana got the second most skips Hannah got the third most skips. First we got people to skip and then we write it on a piece of survey to know how Meany you got and thees are the scores

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hugh, Jack, Justin, Roman, De Vyne

First we wrote the information on a piece of paper and then we did comic life and put the information on the computer. I liked it so did Jack and Roman, Justin, and De Vyne.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rebecca W

Stars are like god shining a torch through gaps in his clothes. Clouds are like big fluffy mashmalows. The moon is like a cheese ball in black and white. The sun is like a giant egg thats on fire.

De Vyne

The rain is like a shower. the rain sprinkles down to the earth the people use umbrellas to keep the rain off the people.

Rebecca Rod

The rain goes splooshes splashes splishes gushes. The rain is crying like us. Because he didn't get toys from his mum and he cried and cried.

Hannah and Tiana's Survey

For maths we have been doing graphs. We had to pick a friend. Then we needed to think of a question. Our question was How many netball shoot can you get in a minute? What we did was we went over to the court. We got some people to shoot in the hop. As they was shooting in the hop we timed a minute. When we had about nine people. We made a graph. Tiana did the graph and I did the Title page. We both made comments about our results.

Eye of the tiger.


Rain is water coming from a tap. The cloud goes bang against the house. Rain is like the heavens turning on their showers.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nakita and Chloe

Dajana got the most time which means last.

Justin bet Roman by 1 secs.

Alice got less time then Patricks.

Nakita got the best time.

Joshua got the best time out of Laike.

Nakita got the best time out Chloe.

Alice just got a minute.

Chloe,Tyler,John,Jack,Patrick, Dajana, Leanes and Alice got over 1:00.


I like reading because you can play hard games and you can lean more. I love horse books that are hard.


A bubble is like a bouncing ball but when it pops it is like the ball has a hole in it.


Bubbles are like a blanket that is snuggley and warm.It makes a cosey bed.It bounces like a bunny. When it pops it sounds like popcorn. When it pops it splashes like rain drops on the roof.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tiana, Chloe, Dajana, Leanes and Rebecca W's Inquiry

First we wrote all our questions on a piece of paper. Then two of us went into the library. After that we picked a question once we had done that we had to split up. Then we found our information on computers and in books. We had to write our information so we could present it on Comic Life.

Laike, Nakita, Alice and Katelyn's Inquiry

It was fun using comic life but was extremely hard to find all the right information. It was still fun. Putting together information we had no trouble writing it and putting it on comic life. All of our group members were supportive and helpful. It was easy to decide on what to do on comic life, but some parts were hard. In our group it was hard to work together as a group. We struggled to work together as a team. We were not communicating as a team during comic life.

Tyler and Hugh's Survey

This is the results of our survey. We created this graph using a programme on the internet.

Katelyn's Survey

These are the results we got from our survey about How many skips people can do in 1 minute?


The trees and leaves cover me like an umbrella from the rain in a rainy storm. The branches held the leaves like the poles holding the umbrella. You can see gaps through the leaves to see the sun set.


The rugby ball looks like eggs.The rugby ball is sometimes broken like the eggs are broken.The eggs are broken when the birds are coming up.

Rebecca W

Rain is like tambourines and symbols banging on the wet roof. Hail is like a wild horse galloping along the road. Thunder is like a metal band playing in mid air. Lighting is like a golden arrow shooting out of the sky. Wind is like an invisible howling wolf.


The snow covered the street is like a blanket of white feathers


The pink teddy ran down the hill it was like a delious strawberry milk shake getting tipped out.


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In the storm the thunder screams like a baby and it is like there is a giant sieve sitting in the sky. The lightning looks like there is a giant flash light in the sky and the tvs shiver like they are in the snow. The light flickers like there is no power.


Autumn Leaves

Autumn leaves bunch together make a soft bed.
leaves are like flying over a rainbow high in the sky.
Autumn leaves are like ballerina dancers swaying in the wind, this way and that way.
Autumn leaves would creep and crawl like a dog would.
Autumn leaves are like the colours of the rainbow.
Autumn leaves are like babys taking away from there mum by a horrible guy and every night it will cry and cry.
Autumn leaves are like shadows at night scaring people as the go past.


Storms are like a band on the clouds going boom, crash, bang roaring at us as if we were ants.
Storms are like a baby crying as it lies on a blanket of lightning. Storms are like a shower when you turn it on.


In my room all my clothes, shoes and toys all cover the floor like a great big blanket. On my roof there is splotches of paint all over it like an army net covering the roof. On my window outside it is covered with dew like a big book covering it.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Patrick William Galea

White marshmallows are like a snowy den for a polar bear. If you put a white marshmallow in a Milo, it will melt like ice.


The lightning is like a light tuning off and on. When the lightning struck it's like when you flick the light off and on. Thunder is like a big herd of elephants stomping through the forest. Boom! Bang! On the forest floor.

Joshua's similes

The hot chocolate running down the table was like a slithering snake in the amazon. The hot chocolate looked like a brown python with steam coming off it like it was in the sun.


In the holidays I went to Auckland. I went on Friday the 2nd of April.

I went with my mum ,my brother and my sister. I went to see my Dad

and my two brothers. I felt so happy and excited. I went down to Auckland

because my mum thought it would be a nice for me to see my Dad and

my two brothers. Me, mum, my three brothers, my sister and my Dad went

to the Beach for a picnic.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


The wind was hissing like a snake, with sharp teeth hiss hiss. You wish it would stop hissing it kept going on.


Lightning is blue fire that flies through the sky like a bird. It's just like sparks from a fireplace. Lightning is nothing but God flashing his flashlight around through the cloud of heaven. Lightning is the Devil sparking blue fire from his staff in hell. Lighting is the sun when it's angry.


A black dog is like a shadow. It hides behind every thing it sees like birds, trees, flowers or bees. It's like a big black pillow that bounces around like a kangaroo. A black dog is like black paper. A black dog is like the night sky. A black dog is like a flash of darkness.

Friday, June 4, 2010


The Tiny Rain Drop Buddies hoped out of bed and ran to wake up Big Papa Water. They just managed to wake him. He tickled the Tiny Rain Drop Buddies. As they rolled around on the cloud they made a hole. Just as the Tiny Rain Drop buddies hopped out of bed they fell through the hole. Big Papa Water cried and cried he yelled at the top of his voice but the Tiny Rain Drop Buddies could not hear him past the whistling wind they were gone. Every now and then he will cry remembering the last time he saw the Tiny Rain Drop Buddies. Every time he cries his tears fall from the cloud in the sky to the dry, hot earth and that is how the rain is made.

Joshua at camp

On Sunday the first of May my tummy was a little bit queasy ,because Rebecca and I were going to have our first camp away from home.With cubs and scouts.We were excited because we were going to do heaps of fun stuff like:Roast marshmallows, make smores and make damper.First (when we got there) we had to put up tents,then we had to chose two friends I chose Jaxon and we got to play around mostly all the cubs played in the cow ear tagger,for about one and a half hours.After this we went inside a shed to have tea,for tea we had hamburgers.The next day I got out f bed and to my surprise there was a warm bin,I was starving,finally it was breakfast time I had porridge. After breakfast it was time to go home.


Once upon a time there lived three girls and they loved going shopping. But there mother was so poor she said they couldn't go shopping anymore, but there dad had stacks of money and brought all the stuff that they wanted. They were so spoiled and you should see there draws and cupboard, it is full of clothes and shoes. But the funny thing is that they live at there mum's,. they wish they lived at there dad's because they loved him and his money. But the mum say "they can't live at there dad's because they will get sick of him". But they weren't they were sick of there mum. She thought the would but they are sick of her. They told her that they had enough of her and moved to there dad's. The mum was so sad and the sad part about it is that they moved to London. They used to live in New Zealand but now they live in London. All they did was shop and shop and shop and one day the got tired of shopping all the time. They won't to go back to there mum but there dad said "NO!". But they did and they took there dads money and went to there mums the were so happy they saw her. There mum was so glad they were back and with money to feed them. The mum ask "were did you get that money from!" and they said DAD!. The mums said "are you here with your dad you did you sneak the and hoped on the plane and come here". They said "yes and you were right we did have enough of shopping we should of listen to you first". "Oh I love you guys you make me smile". On the other hand there dad was angry that he had herd that they had gone. So he went on the plane to New Zealand because he had some money left in his wallet to fly over. When he arrived he had a little more money in his pocket to get a taxi to there house so when he arrived at the house he was angry. they sore his face and run out the back door. When the dad sore that they had gone he was angry . But the stuff w-was gone, so how would he now that they were GONE!
To be continued............


The storm was scary because it was dark suddenly a dream happened Mya was flying in the air meow said the cat. Suddenly super Mya lost her magical powers by a evil ruler named Steven. So Mya had to go home and tell queen Daynna and king Craig. My sparkly powers have gone by the sneaky evil ruler named Steven took them now i am just an ordinary girl now what do i do when i have no glittery powers Stevens taken them away from me and i love them. So much now the tired kitten is stuck up in the tree. Suddenly it rained the cat meowed. So Mya called Rebecca.w to trance form into her super hero outfit and get my powers back. So she flew to the evil rulers castle and she got them from the jar and put them into her bag. When she got back Rebecca took them out of her bag and sprinkled them on me. Once i rest for a while we will rescue the cat. The buzzer went off so it was time for Mya and Rebecca to go and rescue the cat. So we spun around the to get our costumes on. we flew out of the creeky door since it was raining hard we put on our water prof suit. The cat was still meowing

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Joshua, Patrick, John, Tyler and Coltyn.

For inquiry this term we decided our question would be, how does litter effect the environment? We decided to find the information from our family, books, the newspaper and the computer. We presented it on comic life our Poster for how does littering effect the environment.

Hannah, Tegan, Lonnesse, Rebecca R, Mya

We decided that our question was How do oil spills effect the environment? We got our information from the internet, books and from our parents. We then presented our information on Comic Life. From our inquiry unit, we are going to help the environment by watching what we throw away and what we tip down the sink.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


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Tuesday, June 1, 2010


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